Meet the Indian who owned for a minute - Sanmay Ved, a former Google employee on September 29 ended up buying and owning through Google domains. is possibly the most known and used domain in the world, according to general consensus. But, with the Internet being prone to glitches every now and then, even the world’s Internet supremo can lose its own name to… Anyone.
As per his post, he was learning about the Google Domains interface and he got admission to Google when he explored for domains after typing He was even able to complete the transaction using his credit card for $12. After the transaction, he even got two emails which are generally sent after booking domains.
In his post he stated, "Additionally, I started receiving notifications, for when ownership changed along with new ownership details in the Google search console for websites that are powered by Google sites. Quite clearly, ownership had been granted to me. Order was successful." He also said in his post that the domain displays currently unavailable and Google has accepted the incident when he reported to Google Security about it.
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