If you’re too pressed for time (or are just plain lazy) to type a message, OK Google has your back. As of today, Android phone owners can now use Google’s voice command service to send messages on WhatsApp and WeChat.
Google has announced the addition of voice compatibility with WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber, Telegram and NextPlus to the line up of commands already featured on OK Google. Sending a message on any of the platforms is pretty much as straightforward as with all other OK Google commands. Open the Google app on your smartphone, turn on the voice detection function in the menu and start using the command by tapping the microphone icon and saying into your phone’s microphone the phrase: “OK Google, send a WhatsApp message to [name of the person]. You then just dictate the message you want to send.
We tried the function out with WhatsApp and it worked well, but as always with OK Google you have to speak very clearly so the function picks up what you’re saying. whatsapp2 For this feature to work, your Google and messaging apps must all be updated, so just check that you have the latest versions and if you don’t, head over to Google Play and download them. Instant messaging app compatibility on OK Google is only available in English for now but Google said it will add more languages and apps in the near future.
[Source – Google, images – Google, WhatsApp, WeChat]
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