Facebook now allows you to 'see less' from friends on news feed

Facebook now allows you to 'see less' from friends on news feed

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Facebook has rolled out a more in-depth settings menu for the users wherein they can now choose to "see less" from friends on their news feed rather than unfollow them entirely. Earlier, users had to choose between follow or unfollow for a particular friend. Now they can just inform Facebook to publish lesser updates in their news feed from that friend.

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 According to the Verge, there is a new master view that allows you to quickly see everyone you are following and people you have unfollowed so that you can swap people in and out of those groups. The new setting is also applicable for groups and pages. You can easily tone down the feeds from pages that are extremely loud and flood your news feed with their updates. However, it cannot be said how much content would be toned down using the new feature of 'see less'

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