Download and install The Android L Keyboard ( Android 5.0 ) on any Android device running 4.2 or higher.
There are a couple of steps you need to follow You can find the steps below once you’ve installed the new Android L Keyboard from the widget below as well.
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Go To Settings
Click on Keyboard (sometimes called Language & Input)
Turn on the Android L Keyboard
Scroll down to advanced settings
Change Color Scheme to “Material”
To use, go into somewhere you can type, drag down your notification bar and switch the keyboard there.
It’s literally as simple as that boys and girls. And the good thing is, this should work on any device running Android 4.2 and above. That’s going to cover a lot of devices actually now days. That’s a good thing and I know a lot more people will be happy installing it from the Play Store.
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Also note that Shen Ye( Publisher of App ) has stated that he’s working to get a version where the “Material” theme is set by default, to avoid the few simple steps above.
Android L Keyboard | Android L Keyboard (Play Store)
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