How to make a Virus / Viruses that cannot be detected by Any Anti Virus Software!

Note:The information given on this page in intended solely for educational purposes and it is not intended,in one way or other to create any sort of damage.By reading the following information you have agreed not to use this information for any destructive purpose.However,the author or the publisher will not be held responsible in case of any sort of misuse.

How to make a Virus / Viruses that cannot be detected by Any Anti Virus Software!

Have you heard of Visual Basic?Visual Basic is a computer programming language.Its used to creare useful software.It can also be used to create games,screensavers,and lots of more things.In this article,I could use the example of any programming language but actually Visual Basic is the easiest one that could be used in this article.Also its my favourite language(programming…language). Now Visual Basic has certain commands that are used to do something with files.Some open files,some write to files,some create files,and some delete files.Now,here’s where the game begins!

The “Kill” command

The command which is used to delete the files is called the Kill command.What this command does,is that it deletes the file(s) which it is instructed to delete.For the ones not familiar with Visual Basic,it works like this:
What’s happening here is that the file abc.txt found in the folder C:Abc is being deleted.Any file can be deleted using the above statement in Visual Basic.For example.if we want to delete file xyz.txt found in C:Xyz then we will use the following statement:


Wildcards are names of file extensions written between *s.For example,the following:

is the wildcard of text files.Wildcards can be used to select only those files who have a certain file extension.For example,the above wildcard will select only the text files.Wildcards can be used with the kill command to delete files having a certain extension.For example:


will delete only the text files from the folder C:abc.Using wildcards with the kill command means that one kill command will delete multiple files from a folder,instead of one.I mean,that in the command without wildcards,only the file abc.txt or xyz.txt were deleted. However after using the wildcard *.txt*,ALL of the text files were deleted.The wildcard *.* is the most dangerous wildcard because it will delete all the files from a folder regardless of their file extensions.Have a look at the following statement:


This statement will select all files in the folder C:abc and delete them.

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The real idea!

We have seen,from the above examples,that the Kill command deletes files without the user’s permission or without informing the user.Now,what some people are doing,is that they are using the file names which are extremely important for a computer,e.g someone might put a statement like:

This statement will delete all the files from the windows folder of the computer.If you already don’t know,then the Windows folder is the most important folder of your computer.This folder contains many files that are vital,and I mean vital for your computer.If even one of those files gets deleted then the computer wouldn’t be able to even start. Using above statement someone might create a program,and start telling other people its his/her photo or he might start spreading the program on the internet as a free software.No matter what Anti virus software or firewall or whatever you are using,if you scan that file it would be rendered as a harmless file.And then once you open that file,all that’s gonna happen is that your Windows folder would get washed up and you’ll be deprived of all your important files.In some cases,you might even need to get a new computer!These viruses could be the most deadly viruses ever created!

Note:these are a real danger to your computer beware of them.If you get And pdf file or a pic in your mail with an extendion in the last as .exe then do not dowbload the file or double click it !!!

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