Facebook like popup box for blogger, wordpress and websites

Facebook like popup box for blogger, wordpress and websites
Generally we use this widget to get more Facebook likes. After install this when someone visit you any blog page it will display on the front which ask your visitors to like the page and its very simple and clean. So just copy and paste this code scrolling facebook like box to your and enjoy fb likes. Thanks....
 Floating Facebook like box for blogger, wordpress and websites

Steps to use code on Blogger :

1.  Go to blogger dashboard
2.  Select Layout
3.  Click  Add a gadget
4.  A Dialog Box will appear  > Select HTML/Java Script box
5.  paste the code into the box
6.  Click  Save Button

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Copy the below Code:
Note: Do not Edit The code. Otherwise it will not Work.Here is code:

Find this and replace the highlighted text with your facebook page username:

href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F591923907518024&width=292&height=258&show_faces=true&colorscheme=light&stream=false&show_border=true&header=false" style="border: none; height: 258px; overflow: hidden; width: 292px;

Click Here..

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