Cendarsoft PDF Converter 1.0.0 | 11.4 MB
Cendarsoft PDF Converter 1.0.0 | 11.4 MB (free download softwares) Cendarsoft PDF Converter is a quickly pdf file converted to other formats converter, to maintain the original format of the pdf file in the conversion process, Cendarsoft PDF Converter supports various output formats, a multi-purpose, to achieve a pdffiles into a variety of document solutions that bring convenience to your work. Convert PDF to other documents Convert a 100-page PDF file in 1 minute. Preserve PDF original content, layout and formatting Convert many types of encrypted PDF files. Convert up to 500 PDFs at one time. Supports 15 kinds of output format Cendarsoft PDF Converter Support 15 Formats •Cendarsoft PdfConverter Pro can convertion Pdf documents into Microsoft Office document (Word document (doc), PowerPoint document (ppt)), epub books documents, pictures (bmp, jpg, png, tif, wmf, emf, gif), Html files, text files, etc. •After conversion, all the original text, images, graphics, tables, hyperlinks, layout and formatting are exactly preserved. •Support exporting Microsoft Office Word 2003/2007/2010. Batch and PartialConversion Modes •Batch conversion – Convert up to 500 PDF files at one time. •Partial conversion – Select any pages or page ranges from multi-page PDF file to convert. Download: http://letitbit.net/download/96264.99952274f6a6c62d189a6d323423/CsPDFconverter.1.0.0.rar.html |
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